Dla szukanego pojęcia mười támznaleziono 2 wyniki
Idź do
VI Wietnamski PL Polski
mười tám (num) [cardinal number] (num) osiemnaście (num) [cardinal number]
mười tám (num) [cardinal number] (num) osiemnaścioro (num) [cardinal number] (num)

VI PL Tłumaczenia słowa mười

mười (num n) [the cardinal number occurring after 9 and before 11] dziesięcioro (num n) [the cardinal number occurring after 9 and before 11]
mười (n) [a period of ten years] dziesięciolecie (n) {n} [a period of ten years]
mười dziesięć
mười (num n) [the cardinal number occurring after 9 and before 11] dziesięć (num n) [the cardinal number occurring after 9 and before 11]
mười (num n) [the number following nine] dziesiątka (num n) [the number following nine]
mười (n) [a period of ten years] dekada (n) {f} [a period of ten years]

VI PL Tłumaczenia słowa tám

tám osiem
tám (num n) [cardinal number 8] osiem (num n) [cardinal number 8]
tám (num n) [cardinal number 8] ośmioro (num n) [cardinal number 8] (num n)