Dla szukanego pojęcia chi znaleziono jeden wynik
VI Wietnamski PL Polski
chị (pronoun) [belonging to you (singular; one owner)] twój (pronoun) [belonging to you (singular; one owner)]
chị (pronoun) [belonging to you (plural; more owners)] państwa (pronoun) [belonging to you (plural; more owners)] (pronoun)
chị (pronoun) [belonging to you (singular; one owner)] pana (pronoun) [belonging to you (singular; one owner)] (pronoun)
chị (phrase) [do you speak English?] czy mówisz po angielsku_ (phrase) [do you speak English?]
chị (phrase) [greater gratitude than "thank you"] dziękuję bardzo (phrase) [greater gratitude than "thank you"]
chị (pronoun) [belonging to you (plural; more owners)] wasz (pronoun) [belonging to you (plural; more owners)]
chị (int n) [used to express appreciation or gratitude] dzięki (int n) [used to express appreciation or gratitude]
chị (int n) [used to express appreciation or gratitude] dziękuję (int n) [used to express appreciation or gratitude]
chị (int n) [an expression of gratitude] dziękuję (int n) [an expression of gratitude]
chị siostra {f}
chị (pronoun) [belonging to you (singular; one owner)] pański (pronoun) [belonging to you (singular; one owner)]
chị (pronoun) [belonging to you (singular; one owner)] pani (pronoun) {f} [belonging to you (singular; one owner)]
chị panna {f}
chị dzień dobry
chị witaj
chị witajcie (informal)
chị witam (more formal)
chị cześć