Polski Niderlandzki
Terrassa Terrassa
Terrasson-la-Villedieu Terrasson-Lavilledieu
Terre Haute Terre Haute
Terrebonne Terrebonne
Terrence Malick Terrence Malick
Terri Schiavo Terri Schiavo
Territoire-de-Belfort Territoire de Belfort
Terrorcore Terrorcore
terrorysta terrorist
terrorystka terrorist
terroryzm terrorisme
Terroryzować Bully
terroryści terrorist
Terry Balsamo Terry Balsamo
Terry Bozzio Terry Bozzio
Terry Brooks Terry Brooks
Terry Fox Terry Fox
Terry Gilliam Terry Gilliam
Terry Goodkind Terry Goodkind
Terry Jones Terry Jones
Terry Pratchett Terry Pratchett
Tersytes Thersites
Tertulian Tertullianus
Teruel Teruel
Tervuren Tervuren
Terytoria autonomiczne na świecie Autonome oblasten van Rusland
Terytoria Plemienne Administrowane Federalnie Federaal Bestuurde Stamgebieden
Terytoria Północno-Zachodnie Northwest Territories
Terytoria specjalne państw członkowskich Unii Europejskiej Ultraperifere regio
Terytoria zależne Stanów Zjednoczonych Eilandgebied
terytorium territorium
Terytorium Alaski Alaska
Terytorium Arkansas Arkansas
Terytorium autonomiczne Autonome oblasten van Rusland
Terytorium Jervis Bay Jervis Bay Territorium
Terytorium Luizjany Louisiana Purchase
Terytorium mandatowe Mandaatgebied
Terytorium Nevady Nevada
Terytorium Nowego Meksyku New Mexico
Terytorium Północne Noordelijk Territorium
Terytorium Utah Utah
Terytorium zależne Afhankelijk gebied
Terytorium związkowe Unieterritorium
Tesalia Thessalië
Tescoma Zlín FC Tescoma Zlín
Tesimo Tisens
Tesla Tesla
Tesla Motors Tesla
Tesla Roadster Tesla Roadster
Tesmoforie Thesmophoria
Tesserakt Tesseract
Tessyn Ticino
test test
Test Amesa Ames-test
Test Coopera Coopertest
Test inteligencji WAIS Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale
Test Lucasa-Lehmera Algemene Lucas-Lehmertest
Test Mantoux Mantouxtest
Test Schirmera Schirmertest
Test Turinga Turing-test
Test wysiłkowy Inspannings-ecg
Test zgodności chi-kwadrat Chi-kwadraattoets
Test łosia Elandtest
testament testament
testosteron testosteron
Testral Terzieler
Testy funkcjonalne Blackboxtest
Testy statyczne Statisch testen
Teszub Teshub
Tetanury Tetanurae
Tethys Tethys
Teti Teti
Tetovo Tetovo
Tetra Pak Tetra Pak
Tetrachloroeten Perchloorethyleen
Tetrachord Tetrachord
Tetracyklina Tetracycline
Tetracykliny Tetracyclines
Tetrada Tetrachord
Tetraedryt Anniviet
Tetrahydrofuran Tetrahydrofuraan
Tetrahydrogestrinon Tetrahydrogestrinon
tetrahydrokannabinol tetrahydrocannabinol
Tetrahydrotiofen Tetrahydrothiofeen
Tetralogia Tetralogie
Tetralogia Fallota Tetralogie van Fallot
Tetrametr Tetrameter
tetraplegia tetraplegie
Tetrarch Mk VII Mk VII Tetrarch
Tetricus I Tetricus I
Tetricus II Tetricus II
Tetris Tetris
Tetroda Tetrode
Tetryl Tetryl
Tettenweis Tettenweis
Tettnang Tettnang
Tetuan Tétouan
Tetum Tetun
Tetyda Thetis
Teuderyk IV Theuderik IV
Teudoald Theudoald
Teugn Teugn
Teulada Teulada
Teutates Teutates
teutoński Teutoons
Teuva Teuva
Tewet Teweet
Texas Instruments Texas Instruments
Texas Rangers Texas Rangers
Texcoco Texcocomeer
Texel Texel
teza these
tezaurus thesaurus
Tezeusz Theseus
Tezy o Feuerbachu Stellingen over Feuerbach
Teófilo Otoni Teófili Otoni
teściowa schoonmoeder
teść schoonvader
też tevens
też nie ook
TFT Thin Film Transistor
tg tan
TGV Train à Grande Vitesse
Th Th
Thabo Mbeki Thabo Mbeki
Thai Airways International Thai Airways International
Thaining Thaining
Thaksin Shinawatra Thaksin Shinawatra
Thalmassing Thalmassing
Thalys Thalys
Than Shwe Than Shwe
Thandie Newton Thandie Newton
Thann Thann
Thannhausen Thannhausen
Thanstein Thanstein
Thar Tharwoestijn
Thasos Thasos
The Abbey Road EP The Abbey Road EP
The Allman Brothers Band The Allman Brothers Band
The Amazing Spider-Man The Amazing Spider-Man
The Andrews Sisters Andrews Sisters
The Arcade Fire Arcade Fire
The Art Company VOF de Kunst
The Art of Noise The Art of Noise
The Bangles The Bangles
The Beach Boys The Beach Boys
The Beatles The Beatles
The Blues Brothers The Blues Brothers
The Bottom The Bottom
The Boy Is Mine The boy is mine
The Byrds The Byrds
The Cathedral and the Bazaar The Cathedral and the Bazaar
The Chemical Brothers The Chemical Brothers
The Clash The Clash
The Coca-Cola Company The Coca-Cola Company
The Colour and the Shape The Colour And The Shape
The Commodores Commodores
The Communards Communards
The Complete Studio Recordings The Complete Studio Recordings
The Cosby Show The Cosby Show
The Cotton Club The Cotton Club
The Crystal Ship The Crystal Ship
The Cure The Cure
The CW The CW Television Network
The Daily Mirror Daily Mirror
The Daily Telegraph The Daily Telegraph
The Dark Knight The Dark Knight
The Dentist The Dentist
The Dirtchamber Sessions Volume One The Dirtchamber Sessions Volume One
The Doors The Doors
The Dream of the Rood The Dream of the Rood
The Eagles The Eagles
The Edge The Edge
The Edison Award Edison Music Awards
The Ego has landed The Ego Has Landed
The Elder Scrolls The Elder Scrolls
The Everly Brothers The Everly Brothers
The Exploited The Exploited
The Flowers of Romance The Flowers of Romance
The Football League Football League
The Freddie Mercury Tribute Concert Freddie Mercury Tribute Concert
The Fugees The Fugees
The Games Factory The Games Factory
The Ghan De Ghan
The Great Global Warming Swindle The Great Global Warming Swindle
The Grudge - Klątwa The Grudge
The Guardian The Guardian
The Heart of Everything The Heart Of Everything
The Hollies The Hollies
The Immaculate Collection The immaculate collection
The Internet Movie Database Internet Movie Database
The Kelly Family The Kelly Family
The Killer The Killer
The Killers The Killers
The Knife The Knife
The Lamb Lies Down on Broadway The Lamb Lies Down On Broadway
The Legend of Zelda The Legend of Zelda
The Lizzie McGuire Movie The Lizzie McGuire Movie
The Look of Love The look of love
The Mahavishnu Orchestra Mahavishnu Orchestra
The Meatrix The Meatrix
The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya Suzumiya Haruhi no Yūutsu
The Melvins The Melvins
The Miracle The miracle
The Misfits The Misfits
The Moth Papillon
The Muppet Show Muppet
The Music Factory The Music Factory
The New Den New Den Stadium
The New York Times The New York Times
The Number of the Beast The Number Of The Beast
The Offspring The Offspring
The Perfect Storm The Perfect Storm
The Piper at the Gates of Dawn The Piper at the Gates of Dawn
The Plastic Ono Band Plastic Ono Band
The Power of Good-Bye The Power of Good-bye