Dla szukanego pojęcia sin embargo znaleziono jeden wynik
ES Hiszpański PL Polski
sin embargo (adv conj) [although] choć (adv conj) [although]
sin embargo (adv conj) [although] chociaż (adv conj) [although]
sin embargo (v n adv conj) [nevertheless; however] jednak (v n adv conj) [nevertheless; however]
sin embargo (v n adv conj) [nevertheless; however] jak (v n adv conj) [nevertheless; however]
sin embargo (v n adv conj) [nevertheless; however] jakże (v n adv conj) [nevertheless; however] (v n adv conj)
sin embargo (v n adv conj) [nevertheless; however] jakżem (v n adv conj) [nevertheless; however] (v n adv conj)

ES PL Tłumaczenia słowa sin

sin (n) bez (n) {m}
sin (prep adj) [without] bez (prep adj) {m} [without]
sin (adj) [without aim] bezcelowy (adj) [without aim]
sin (adj) [not having any children] bezdzietny (adj) [not having any children]
sin (adj) [having no shame] bezwstydny (adj) [having no shame]

ES PL Tłumaczenia słowa embargo

embargo (n) [(legal) the proceeding, by a creditor, to regain property or other collateral following a default on mortgage payments] {m} zajęcie (n) [(legal) the proceeding, by a creditor, to regain property or other collateral following a default on mortgage payments]
embargo (n) {m} areszt (n) {m}
embargo (n) {m} embargo (n) {n}
embargo (n v) [a ban on trade with another country] {m} embargo (n v) {n} [a ban on trade with another country]
embargo (n v) [an order by the government prohibiting ships from leaving port] {m} embargo (n v) {n} [an order by the government prohibiting ships from leaving port]

Hiszpański Polski translations

ES Synonimy dla sin embargo PL Tłumaczenia
no obstante [si bien] chociaż
pese a [si bien] wbrew
aunque [si bien] jednakże
empero [pero] natomiast