Dla szukanego pojęcia listo znaleziono jeden wynik
ES Hiszpański PL Polski
listo (v adj n) [exhibiting intellectual knowledge, such as that found in books] bystry (v adj n) [exhibiting intellectual knowledge, such as that found in books]
listo (adj) [mentally quick or sharp] bystry (adj) [mentally quick or sharp]
listo (a) gotowy (a)
listo (v n adj) [ready, prepared] gotowy (v n adj) [ready, prepared]
listo (v adj n) [exhibiting intellectual knowledge, such as that found in books] sprytny (v adj n) [exhibiting intellectual knowledge, such as that found in books]
ES Hiszpański PL Polski
listo (adj) [mentally quick or sharp] sprytny (adj) [mentally quick or sharp]
listo (a) inteligentny (a)
listo (v adj n) [exhibiting intellectual knowledge, such as that found in books] zmyślny (v adj n) [exhibiting intellectual knowledge, such as that found in books] (v adj n)
listo (adj) [mentally quick or sharp] zmyślny (adj) [mentally quick or sharp] (v adj n)

Hiszpański Polski translations

ES Synonimy dla listo PL Tłumaczenia
despierto [avispado] sunrise
despabilado [avispado] lively
sagaz [avispado] sagacity (formal)
competente [avispado] able
vivo [desenvuelto] wise guy (n)
activo [desenvuelto] m active
resuelto [desenvuelto] resolute
ágil [desenvuelto] agile
vigilante [atento] m vigilant
presto [atento] chop-chop
pronto [atento] chop-chop
alerta [atento] f wake-up call (n)
temerario [atrevido] m devil-may-care
gallardo [atrevido] perky
arriesgado [atrevido] devil-may-care
sutil [astuto] shrewd
perspicaz [astuto] judicious (formal)
vivaracho [astuto] dapper
rápido [vivaz] briskly
veloz [vivaz] swift (literature)