Dla szukanego pojęcia który znaleziono jeden wynik
PL Polski ES Hiszpański
który (n) quien (n)
który (n) que (n)
który (n) cuál (n)
który (n) qué (n)
który (determiner pronoun n) [(''relative'') the one(s) that] cual (determiner pronoun n) [(''relative'') the one(s) that]
który (determiner pronoun n) [(''interrogative'') what, of those mentioned or implied] cual (determiner pronoun n) [(''interrogative'') what, of those mentioned or implied]
który (pronoun adv int determiner) [which] cuál (pronoun adv int determiner) [which]
który (determiner pronoun n) [(''relative'') the one(s) that] cuál (determiner pronoun n) [(''relative'') the one(s) that]
który (determiner pronoun n) [(''interrogative'') what one or ones] cuál (determiner pronoun n) [(''interrogative'') what one or ones]
który (pronoun adv int determiner) [which] qué (pronoun adv int determiner) [which]
który (pronoun) [of whom (relative)] cuya (pronoun) [of whom (relative)]
który (pronoun) [of which (relative)] cuya (pronoun) [of which (relative)]
który (pronoun) [of whom (relative)] cuyo (pronoun) [of whom (relative)]
który (pronoun) [of which (relative)] cuyo (pronoun) [of which (relative)]
który (pronoun) [of whom (relative)] cuyas (pronoun) [of whom (relative)]
który (pronoun) [of which (relative)] cuyas (pronoun) [of which (relative)]
który (pronoun) [of whom (relative)] cuyos (pronoun) [of whom (relative)]
który (pronoun) [of which (relative)] cuyos (pronoun) [of which (relative)]
który (pronoun n) [who (relative pronoun)] quien (pronoun n) [who (relative pronoun)]
który (pronoun) [of whom (relative)] quien (pronoun) [of whom (relative)]
który (determiner pronoun n) [(''relative'') who, whom, what] quien (determiner pronoun n) [(''relative'') who, whom, what]
PL Synonimy dla który ES Tłumaczenia
dlaczego [co] por qué
jak [co] salvo
jaki [co] cual
co [co] mensualmente