Dla szukanego pojęcia być znaleziono jeden wynik
PL Polski ES Hiszpański
być (v) [istnieć; trwać] estar (v) [istnieć; trwać]
być (v) [istnieć; trwać] ser (v) {m} [istnieć; trwać]
być (v) [occur, take place] ser (v) {m} [occur, take place]
być (n) [indicating future action] -ré, -rás, -rá, -remos, -reis, -rán (n) [indicating future action] (n)
być (v) [to be like or similar to something else] asemejarse a (v) [to be like or similar to something else] (v)
PL Polski ES Hiszpański
być (v) [to be like or similar to something else] parecerse (v) [to be like or similar to something else]
być (v) [have ability to] ser capaz de (v) [have ability to]
być (v) [used to form the passive voice] se (v) [used to form the passive voice]
być (v) [used to indicate that the values on either side of an equation are the same] ser (v) {m} [used to indicate that the values on either side of an equation are the same]
być (v) [used to indicate that the subject plays the role of the predicate nominative] ser (v) {m} [used to indicate that the subject plays the role of the predicate nominative]
być (v) [used to indicate that the subject has the qualities described by a noun or noun phrase] ser (v) {m} [used to indicate that the subject has the qualities described by a noun or noun phrase]
być (v) [used to indicate that the subject and object are the same] ser (v) {m} [used to indicate that the subject and object are the same]
być (v) [used to form the passive voice] ser (v) {m} [used to form the passive voice]
być (v) [to be like or similar to something else] semejar (v) [to be like or similar to something else]
być ser {m}
być (v) [have ability to] poder (v) {m} [have ability to]
być (v) [have ability to] saber (v) {m} [have ability to]
być (v) [to be aware of the meaning of] entender (v) [to be aware of the meaning of]
być (v) [used to form the continuous forms of various tenses] estar (v) [used to form the continuous forms of various tenses]
być (v) [occupy a place] estar (v) [occupy a place]
być (v) [elliptical form of "be here", or similar] estar (v) [elliptical form of "be here", or similar]
PL Synonimy dla być ES Tłumaczenia
stać [stać] permanecer
egzystować [być, występować w rzeczywistości] existir
istnieć [być, występować w rzeczywistości] existir
powinien [powinien] deber {m}
znajdować [być w jakimś miejscu] obrar
żyć [być, istnieć] vivir
bawić [przebywać] (v/t entretener