Dla szukanego pojęcia Frederik zu Dänemark znaleziono jeden wynik
DE Niemiecki PL Polski
Frederik zu Dänemark Fryderyk

DE PL Tłumaczenia słowa zu

zu aby
zu dla
zu (conj prep) [towards] dla (conj prep) [towards]
zu do
zu (prep adj) [in the direction of] do (prep adj) [in the direction of]
zu (particle prep adv) [in the direction of, and arriving at] do (particle prep adv) [in the direction of, and arriving at]
zu (particle prep adv) [infinitive-marker] do (particle prep adv) [infinitive-marker]
zu ku
zu (prep adj) [in the direction of] ku (prep adj) [in the direction of]
zu na (Prp.)

DE PL Tłumaczenia słowa dänemark

Dänemark (v) [Staat] {n} Dania (v) {f} [Staat]
Dänemark {n} Dania {f}
Dänemark (proper) [country in Western Europe] {n} Dania (proper) {f} [country in Western Europe]